Wednesday, June 30, 2010

cake stands...i need them!

still mooching around the internet looking at blogs.

we have a broken pipe in the bathroom with water everywhere-that explains why our house is still damp after the other leak was fixed.
(also explains why neon's lovely newly painted room has bubbling paint down in the corner by the door and i started freakin out that she would have to live in a damp house which is bad for her little lungs!)

anyway yeah so this leak that i'd been hearing in the main bathroom was investigated by g this morning and he swears that all he did was touch it and the small dripping leak turned in to "a movie-style leak,with water gushing everywhere," so he had to stay there and hold the pipe while i waddled to the other side of the house to turn off the water and turn on all the taps to run the water down.

eventually we had a cup of chamomile(for me, coffee for g...yuk) and had a little brainstorm on the front doorstep about what we could use to plug it whilst we got on with cleaning before eugene(landlord)was called/told.
we went from buying lots of juicey fruit to a wine bottle stopper via one of those hose on your tap shower things i recently bought to wash the dog(or baby?!),so the water is back on,i did some vacuuming and mopping and now i'm having a rest coz my back hurts-oh woe is me,haha,it's better now but i'm still 'resting' on the internet;)
so that leads me up to all these amazing cake stands i found and now NEED to make...
terra cotta one

polystyrene one

and a big wooden professional looking one

yeah i WAS on someone's blog about a wedding *hangs head* but she got married for 5,000 canadian dollars!that's pretty cheap(or 'reasonable' as my dad would correct me).

i'll try to add some pictures later,even if they're random;)

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